bbs . / photos / fidocon93

FidoCon'93 Photos

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    WHEN: 15 May 1993, From 8:30 - 16:00 (and onwards)
          Running into later evening talks, and a braai!

    WHERE: MicroGenesis House
           18 Wessel Road
           Rivonia, Sandton

This is a gallery of photographs taken at the conference (photographer unknown) and later made available (as GIF files) via Bombed Out BBS and Quantum BBS.

Rolf Poser, Kevin Markowitz, Graham Leggett, Grant Anderson, Candida Tagliatti, Allan and Anne Marillier Wally Walters and Rob Fisher Victor Wilson Ian Gerada and Mary Pat Verner and Mervyn Bick Clive Jones Steve Hayes Tiaan van Aardt and Pierre du Preez Niel Uys and Henk Wolsink Zane Wilson Richard Peer Ken Ironside John Case Mimi Milstein and Ina Sonnenmoser

This page last updated: 21-08-2011 | Images courtesy of the personal archives and Neal Blount