■ Download your BlueWave Mail Packet:
 If you make use of the  Blue Wave  Offline Mail Reader  (which I suggest you
 do...),  this option allows you to  download a mail packet without having to
 proceed to the Messages Menu  and then selecting the Blue Wave program:  All
 mail that you have configured for downloading will be automatically bundled,
 archived in the format that you have chosen,  and then downloaded to you via 
 the protocol you should already have chosen.
 Remember: This procedure is NOT interactive!
 ■ Upload your BlueWave Reply Packet:
 Similar to the above option,  this one allows you to send your  reply packet
 (HMVH_BBS.NEW in this case) straight to the BBS without having to go through
 the Message Menu. Once again, this is not an interactive process.

                         Press [Enter] for more...
 ■ Download Tagged File/s:
 Instead of going all the way through to the FILE MENU, here's your chance to 
 download any new files you may have selected when you logged on.

 ■ Log Off ?
 This option will present you with the LOG OFF submenu.

 ■ Help !
 This amazing text file.

 ■ Enter the Bulletin Board:                                 
 [Enter] is the key that unlocks the door to totally unadulterated pleasure:)
                         Press [Enter] to continue.