SCOTT PAGED LISA 22:31:04 ON 07-08-1996 **************** Hi Scott, my name's Lisa. How can I help you? WHERE IS HERBY? In my bedroom! WELL I HOPE HE IS BEHAVING HIMSELF Scott, describe the man you are talking about. HMMM, THATS A LITTLE BIT DIFFICULT... So what does that mean? WELL, HERBY IS A FUN LOVING GUY WITH ONE HELLUVA SENSE OF HUMOUR AND I THINK AN OVER SUPPLY OPF HORMONES What do you like to do for fun? ALL SORTS OF THINGS Can you be more specific? WELL, WHY DON'T YOU TELL ME WHAT YOU LIKE FIRST Why should I tell you what i like first g? FAIR IS FAIR.... Who said life is fair? NO-ONE, AND DEFINATELY NOT HERBY What are you trying to say? THAT I WISH I COULD TALK TO HERBY...WELL, I'M ONLY JOKING. I JUST NEED TO SORT OUT MY SECURITY I have a weird sense of humor. EXIT Scott, if you want to leave, just type "bye". BYE Enjoyed our chat.